
NOAA Fisheries collects passive acoustic monitoring data through a variety of instruments. Below are the types of instruments used by the Cetacean Research Program.

Towed Array

DASBR: Dirfting Acoustic Spar Buoy Recorder


Glider Blog

Schematic showing typical glider operation. The glider descends from the surface to 1000 m and then ascends back to the surface. It records acoustic data files while underwater, picking up sounds of things like echolocating beaked whales. At the surface it calls a base station using satellite communications to transmit data and receive new commands. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Selene Fregosi

Schematic showing typical glider operation. The glider descends from the surface to 1000 m and then ascends back to the surface. It records acoustic data files while underwater, picking up sounds of things like echolocating beaked whales. At the surface it calls a base station using satellite communications to transmit data and receive new commands. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Selene Fregosi

Glider buoyancy testing in a tank before deployment.

Glider aboard a small vessel in preparation for a several week deployment.

Glider at the surface checking in with the satellite before its next dive.

HARP: High-Frequency Acoustic Recording Package
