Pacific Island Fisheries Science Center
Passive Acoustics Monitoring - Lab Manual
A key priority of the Passive Acoustic Monitoring - Strategic Initiative (PAM-SI) is to build an open science culture across the agency by leveraging GitHub as a collaboration, coordination, and project management tool. To achieve this we have developed national and regional lab manuals that follow a parallel structure and link to each other. These manuals will serve as the primary storage location for all lab related information, including methods and data management, and will be a single access resource to support coordination across science center PAM programs.
Team Members
Protected Species Division Director: Erin Oleson
Visual Experts (Photo ID, Biopsy, UAS)
Kym Yano, Acting - Cetacean Research Program Lead
Quantitative Ecologists
Additional National Marine Fisheries Lab Manuals
Our main office is located on Ford Island in the middle of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii at the Inouye Regional Center.
Shipping Address: NOAA/PIFSC/PSD, 1845 Wasp Blvd., Bldg 176, Honolulu, HI 96818