Chapter 15 Combining lta() results

LTabundR provides a function, lta_pool(), that allows you to pool, or concatenate, the results of two separate lta() runs in order to achieve the desired number of bootstrap iterations. An example use case: you already have a lta() result, which you have named lta1, for a species pool with 1,000-iterations. You want to see if the CV estimate is liable to change if you do more iterations, so you can run the same lta() call again and save the result to a new object, lta2. You can then pool these two results together:

# Put the lta outputs into a list
ltas <- list(lta1, lta2)

# Pool bootstraps
lta3 <- lta_pool(ltas)

The resulting object can be treated the same as another other lta() result, for example you can run lta_diagnostics() or lta_report().

Another use case: You have two lta() outputs, one with 600 iterations and another with 500. You want to pool the two outputs but only keep 1,000 iterations total. Specify the bootstraps input in the lta_pool() call in order to randomly select 1,000 of the 1,100 bootstraps available.

# Put the lta outputs into a list
ltas <- list(lta1, lta2)

# Pool bootstraps
lta3 <- lta_pool(ltas, bootstraps=1000)